Law Enforcement Resources
Therapy Resources
DISCLAIMER: This resource list is not comprehensive and clinicians are vetted through self-identified experience with first responders/military. Backing the Blue Line cannot be held responsible for negative experiences with clinicians on this list. We take feedback very seriously and encourage anyone to contact us regarding positive or negative experiences so we can adjust this list accordingly. Please also note that finding a therapist requires clients to assess fit for the first few sessions and you may need to try several clinicians before finding the right fit, this is completely normal.
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Physical and Mental Wellness
Controlling the Mind + The Machine - TacMobility
Code4Couples - Cyndi Doyle
Urgent Mental Health Assistance
Under the Shield
24/7 anonymous phone line for officers. Ran by non-mandated reporters.
Safe Call Now
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
Line of Duty Resources
Minnesota Department of Public Safety
Contact Office of the Commissioner, Section 299A.44 Death Benefit
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, St Paul, MN 55101
Minnesota Higher Education Services Office
Section 299A.45 Education Benefit
1450 Energy Park Drive, Suite 350, St Paul, MN 55108
Continued Health Insurance Coverage
Section 299A.465
Workers Compensation Division of the State Department of Labor and Industry
443 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155
Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association
525 Park Street, Suite 250, St. Paul, MN 55103
Email info@mppoa.com
Minnesota 100 Club
Gives monetary aid to LEO families
PO Box 18784, Minneapolis, MN 55418
Email MN100club@aol.com
Brighter Days Grief Center
Carolyn Kinzel MSHS
Grief resources and Services
Caregiver resources and Services
Youth and Family Program
Peer based Connections
All services FREE OF CHARGE
Financial Resources
Daniel Athmann, FICF, RICP®
Financial Advisor
North Star Advisor Group
CA Insurance ID 0L37145
1895 Plaza Drive, Suite 225
Eagan, MN 55122
O: 952-500-3429
T: 952-230-0981
Email: dan.athmann@thrivent.com